About SwipeSpeak

SwipeSpeak is an app that allows people to communicate with eye gestures. Serving as a communication board (similar to an E-Tran Board), SwipeSpeak displays a keyboard which allows a communication partner to construct words and sentences.

A communication partner reads eye gestures of a speaker and swipes in the corresponding direction on the app's screen. SwipeSpeak will then translate those swipes into words and sentences.

SwipeSpeak also implements a predictive text engine to find all possible words that could be created with the letters in a groups indicated by a gesture sequence. To enter one character, a speaker will move his eyes in the direction associated with that letter’s group, and the communication partner will swipes in the corresponding direction on the app's screen.

SwipeSpeak’s additional features include:

SwipeSpeak can be downloaded by clicking the following link.

Video Tutorials



App Usage

Thank you for using SwipeSpeak. Please feel free to contact us at: swipespeak@teamgleason.org.